In this episode, I talk with Children's Pastor, Lindsey Whitney. Lindsey does a great job resourcing leaders and parents at her church, and she shares those resources on her blog  In our conversation, she walks through a lot of those resources – from Bibles for different age groups, to books and apps – and how they share those resources at her church.

Lindsey Whitney

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Resourcing Parents with Bibles/Apps by Age Group

Infants and Preschool


Early Elementary

Later Elementary/Preteens


Audio Bibles/Apps

Talk Now and Later – Brian Dollar helps parents explore how to lead kids through life's tough topics

Truth in the Tinsel – Amanda White helps families engage daily with the Christmas story throughout the holidays

Action Items

  1. Make a resource list for the parents in your ministry
  2. Communicate with parents regularly
  3. Make a plan for resourcing parents and create a rhythm or schedule to promote those resources

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