In this episode, I talk with Christopher Wesley, the Youth Pastor at Church of the Nativity, a Catholic Church right in the same county I'm in here in Maryland. Church of the Nativity does an amazing job holding to Catholic traditions and practices while pushing the envelope to reach people who are not a part of any church. Primarily, however, we talk with Chris about having a strategy for youth ministry.
Chris Wesley
Connect with Chris on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram – Download resources from Chris, listen to the Rebuilt podcast and get his book Rebuilding Youth Ministry
Building Vision and Strategy at Church of the Nativity
- Prayer and discernment. How is your church going to make lives different?
- Make lives different by growing disciples. What is a disciple?
- Know your audience. Who am I trying to reach?
Links Mentioned in This Episode – Get Rebuilt (book) and other helpful resources designed to help parishes make church matter
Purpose Driven Youth Ministry (book)
Planning Center Online Check-In
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Next Episode: Amy Fenton
Amy Fenton works for Orange, holding 3 roles in 1. She's an Orange Specialist, serving church leaders who use their elementary curriculum. She leads their VBS team and she leads Live to Serve, an event Orange puts on for children's ministry volunteers. We talk about all of that, but we also talk about a time when Amy stepped in to lead children's ministry at a large church that had almost no permanent volunteers. You don't want to miss it, so be sure to subscribe!