Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach

NBFMP014: EJ Swanson on Teaching Students and Leading NextGen

Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach         Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach        
NBFMP014: EJ Swanson on Teaching Students and Leading NextGen           NBFMP014: EJ Swanson on Teaching Students and Leading NextGen          
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    In this episode, I talk with EJ Swanson. For many years, EJ primarily taught students and adults in various settings, speaking to over 150,000 each year. A couple years ago, he transitioned back into the local church leading youth ministry, and now all of NextGen at Woodside Bible Church in Metro Detroit. We talk about everything he learned about teaching students and what he's learning now leading NextGen across 12 campuses.

    EJ Swanson

    Connect with EJ on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

    Woodside Bible Church

    Links Mentioned in This Episode

    Good Reader – Get Apple's app for reading, annotating, and managing your books, PDF's, and other files

    Orange – Orange provides curriculum and messages for kids and students, grades K-12

    Communicating for a Change (book) – Learn more from Andy Stanley about how to write and deliver statements that stick

    Preaching Rocket – Check out resources to help you learn how to write and deliver better messages – Learn how to read the people you are teaching and leading by diving into Paul Ekman's research and books, including Unmasking the Face

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    Next Episode: Gina McClain

    In the next episode, I talk with Gina McClain, Pastor of Children's Ministries at Faith Promise Church. Previously, Gina led children's ministry at Life.Church. We talk about how to implement small groups for kids and what it takes to stick it out long-term in your current church.