Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach

NBFMP018: Bill Hegedus on Preteen Ministry and Partnering With Parents

Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach         Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach        
NBFMP018: Bill Hegedus on Preteen Ministry and Partnering With Parents           NBFMP018: Bill Hegedus on Preteen Ministry and Partnering With Parents          
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    In this episode, I interview my friend Bill Hegedus. Bill and I talk about how to best serve preteens and kids who are in their last years of elementary school before moving on to middle school. We also talk about some practical ways his church seeks to partner with parents.

    Bill Hegedus

    Connect with Bill on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


    Bethlehem Church

    Links Mentioned in This Episode

    Failing Forward (book) – Change the way you look at failure as you read John C. Maxwell's thoughts on turning mistakes into stepping stones

    Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions (book) – George Barna emphasizes the importance of the church coming alongside parents so that the kids of today will lead the church of tomorrow

    Slow Fade (book) – Check out Reggie Joiner's book all about how to help high school students transition into their twenties

    Just a Phase – The Phase summary handouts are a great resource to give parents. Consider pairing them with a print piece of books and websites parents can go to for help on specific topics.

    Curriculum – Orange | Grapple | The Gospel Project | D6Family | Preteen Ministry – Let me know if you're interested in joining a group so that we can learn and grow together

    Action Items

    1. Gather volunteers and ask what your kids and students need
    2. Recruit a team of people to invest in curriculum
    3. Consider using a specific curriculum for the preteens in your ministry

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    Next Episode: Josh Griffin

    In the next episode, I interview Josh Griffin, who served as the High School Pastor at Saddleback Church before transitioning to work full time with Download Youth Ministry. We talk about tips for teaching students, DYM, and something new they're doing at DYM to help youth workers.