Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach
In this episode, I interview Sam Luce. Sam and I talk about his journey leading children’s ministry and the tension between entertainment and discipleship – between making church fun and entertaining for kids versus discipling them and growing their faith.
Sam Luce
Connect with Sam on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Links Mentioned in This Episode
“Pastor Success Is Not Your Goal” – Sam talks about fighting the urge for success and seeking faithfulness
The Confessions of St. Augustine (book) – St. Augustine shares his story of redemption in a way that is both personal and universal
True Spirituality (book) – Francis Schaeffer wrestles with the question “Did Christianity really make any difference in my life?”
The Summit – A worldview training camp for high school kids
Systematic Theology Books
Ages 2-5: Everything a Child Should Know About God
Ages 5-9: The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New
Ages 9-13: Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God
Ages 13+: Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith
Action Items
- Evaluate your ministry. Ask some hard questions about where your ministry is living in that tension between entertainment and discipleship
- Have a conversation with parents who have been in your ministry for a long time and get their perspectives on where the ministry is
- Check out the list above for the books that Sam uses to partner with parents
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Next Episode: The LCBC Team
In the next episode, I talk with the team at LCBC Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We talk about their Children's and Student Ministries and how they serve the next generation. They walk through specific practices in their ministries and how these practices look at their at their largest and smallest campuses.
There was so much that I loved about this Podcast but I will list what stood out most for me:
1. His comment that this (the knowledge of Jesus) should be something that lasts longer than the fun lasts
2. Numbers are looked at incorrectly by many so when Sam said “am I counting to see how many are coming or how many I am missing” now, that’s the heart of a pastor. We should seek those who are not coming and see what we can do
3. Train up/disciple teachers. We need more than relational SGLs. We need to all be people who are constantly growing in Christ.