In this episode, Yancy gives practical tips and advice from her decades of leading kids worship. Some of these tips could greatly impact the culture of your kid's ministry and help lead the next generation to a lifestyle of worship through creating intentional worship experiences.
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*Key Question: What is the goal of worship in each ministry environment?
Helpful hints for Preschool Worship:
- It's important to make time to do worship each and every week
- Remember their attention spans (not super complicated, long or with too many words)
- 2-3 minutes tops per song
- “We sing to Jesus because its a way we can show Jesus we love Him”
Helpful hints for Preteen Worship:
- “Leading worship is more about your leadership ability than your musical ability”
- Needs to bridge the gap between Kids and Students – help them understand WHAT WORSHIP IS and WHY WE DO IT
- Know your blend of kids (grade/developmental levels)
Tips for Volunteers:
- Realize that someone believes in you and has entrusted you to this role
- Spend time preparing each week – there is freedom in preparation
- Smiles and wearing bright/bold colors engage the audience
- If talking is not natural to you, type out your thoughts to intro or transition songs
- Those not on stage… fully engage and be excited about worship even if the kids are not
Action Items
- Define the win for each age group
- Refresh your music
- Check out Heartbeat (curriculum)
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