Nick Blevins Family Ministry Podcast: Children | Youth | Students | NextGen

Episode 226: Student Ministry in Pandemic with James Sabin

Nick Blevins Family Ministry Podcast: Children | Youth | Students | NextGen         Nick Blevins Family Ministry Podcast: Children | Youth | Students | NextGen        
Episode 226: Student Ministry in Pandemic with James Sabin           Episode 226: Student Ministry in Pandemic with James Sabin          
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    James Sabin gives some encouragement on how student ministry has thrived in the midst of a pandemic. James also gives some feedback from the implementation of some strategies around new family/student retention.

    James Sabin

    Connect with James on Instagram.

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    Episode Notes

    Before COVID:

    • Church began with 250-300 in overall attendance, only a few teenagers engaged in youth ministry
    • Started with a partnership with FCA
    • Grew to 120 active youth
    • Group-based model
    Post COVID:
    • Created “Late-Night-Live” online experience for youth; whole family participated
    • Core families were the core watchers, but picked up new families as well
    • Regathering began; JH and HS gathered in main worship center on Sunday nights
    • Student-led worship teams
    • Steady with 30-40 in attendance after regathering
    Student Retention:
    • First-time strategy… have youth invite and own giving a gift
    • Lots of swag and branded giveaways
    • Ideas: Starbucks gift card (first-time gift), t-shirts, stickers, etc.
    Student Ministry Online:
    • Creating online experience that matches the production quality of adults
    • First 15 minutes in-person is with groups, but online they wait for the large group time to start
    • Make it viewable after Sunday night for those who can’t watch

    Action Items

    1. Stream online
    2. Overhaul your retention plan – 50% off
    3. Consider a rally/event/shorter/in and out

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