Choosing Children’s Ministry Curriculum

Choosing Children's Ministry Curriculum

There's a lot involved in choosing the right children's ministry curriculum for your church. Before anything else, be sure to answer these questions:

  • Who do we want kids to be when they graduate preschool, or elementary?
  • What do we want them to know?  (they can't know everything, and some things aren't appropriate to their age)
  • Is the curriculum I am looking at part of an overall plan, from birth through high school?
  • Does this curriculum acknowledge the parent's role as primary spiritual leader to their children and is it built around partnering with parents to help them in that role?
  • Is it written by one person or a group of people?

Here are some children's ministry curriculums I am aware of.  Email me at if you know of others that should be listed here.

Preschool & Elementary

