Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach


Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach         Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach        
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    In this episode, I interview Tom Shefchunas. Tom is the Multi Campus Middle School Director at North Point Ministries in Atlanta, GA. We talk about introducing the role of a volunteer coach and finding the right people to invite into that level of leadership. He also shares how he determines what to measure in ministry and how he leverages statistics to discern how to make his ministry better.

    Tom Shefchunas

    Connect with Tom on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

    North Point Ministries

    Links Mentioned in This Episode

    Lead Small – Reggie Joiner and Tom Shefchunas talk about the small group model and the five things every small group leader needs to know as they invest in kids or students

    Orange Tour – A smaller version of this past year's Orange Conference. The Orange Team travels to cities all over the country, offering main sessions and breakouts for church leaders and volunteers.

    Orange Conference – Every year, Orange hosts a conference where church leaders and volunteers come from all over to celebrate, share ideas, and learn how to do ministry better.

    Action Items

    1. Consider adding the coach role to your ministry
    2. Lay out a structure that would be ideal for your ministry. Then begin inviting the right people into that level of leadership.
    3. Define “active role” for your ministry
    4. Regularly compile a list of kids or students who have stopped attending and encourage leaders to reach out to them
    5. Look at statistics that reflect the struggles those in your ministry are facing and ask yourself how you can create an environment where they feel comfortable talking about those struggles

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    Leave a rating and a comment in iTunes to let me know how this podcast is helping you and your ministry. Also, let me know how we can make it better!

    Next Episode: Anthony Prince

    In the next episode, I interview Anthony Prince. Anthony is the Family Ministries Pastor at Newhope Church in Durham, North Carolina. He also works with an organization called Ministry Architects. We talk about how they work together to help churches determine appropriate staff ratios, volunteer ratios, and budget benchmarks. I'll also be sharing an announcement about a resource coming soon to help you figure out where your church is in relation to other churches.