Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach


Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach         Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach        
NBFMP036           NBFMP036          
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    In this episode, I talk with the team at LCBC Church in Manheim, Pennsylvania. We talk about what Multi-Site Family Ministry, and what children's and student programming look like at their various locations–from their largest campus of 6,000 to their smallest campus of a few hundred. The team walks through specific practices in their ministries and the roles they leverage to support them centrally.

    The LCBC Team

    Connect with LCBC on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

    LCBC Church

    Jason Sheaffer: Director of kidMinistry at LCBC

    Sonja Waltman: Executive Director of Ministries

    Chad Herman: Central Director of Student Ministry

    Children & Youth Ministry Staff/Volunteer Survey

    The results are in! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Children & Youth Ministry Staff/Volunteer Survey. Click here for highlights, a list of the prize winners, and a link to take the survey if you would like to add your church's data and receive the full results.

    Notes From This Episode

    Volunteer Onboarding Process

    1. Give potential volunteer a tour
    2. Potential volunteer chooses an area where they are interested in serving
    3. Set up a time for them to observe and apprentice under an expert volunteer
    4. Application process and background check
    5. Attend orientation
    6. New volunteer is placed

    Action Items

    1. If you are part of a multi-site family ministry, compare your church's model to LCBC. Ask: What do you like more about what they do? What do you like more about what you do? Why do you do things this way?
    2. Talk with your team about how you can define roles in your ministry that will maximize content creation and relationship building
    3. Begin to create or refine your volunteer on boarding process for this year

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    Leave a rating and a comment in iTunes to let me know how this podcast is helping you and your ministry. Also, let me know how we can make it better!

    Next Episode: Tom Pounder

    In the next episode, I talk with Tom Pounder. Tom is the Student Minister at New Life Christian Church, and also has his own podcast and blog, YM Sidekick. We talk about youth ministry, social media, the unique facility Tom's church has, and how they are able to leverage it's multi-purpose features for youth ministry.