In this episode, I talk with Gabe Boucher from Worlds of Wow. Gabe and I talk about what their organization does to create irresistible environments for kids, students, and churches overall. We have a great conversation about their process, what the outcome looks like, and cost. Then, he shares some practical tips for engaging families and creating welcoming environments.

Gabe Boucher

Connect with Gabe on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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Phone Number: 9407654708

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Worlds of Wow Online Information Guide – A glance at everything you need to know about Worlds of Wow and what they offer to help you in creating irresistible environments
Worlds of Wow Partnership – A video that walks you through what it looks like to partner with Worlds of Wow
Worlds of Wow Partnership Process – This document explains the eight-step process of a church partnering with Worlds of Wow

What This Kingdom-Minded Business Is Doing to Reach Children for Christ (Article) – Ministry Today shares their thoughts on the why behind this organization, what Worlds of Wow is doing in churches, and the impact creating irresistible environments can have


Creating Irresistible Environments: A Few Tips

  1. Walk through your environment and evaluate traffic flow
  2. Invest in quality, consistent signage
  3. Remember that simplicity and clarity are key
  4. Ask: What in the environment is dated, old, or no longer serves a purpose? 
  5. Ask: When is the last time you invited your Lead Pastor to be a part of the kids' service? Then, invite them into the environment so they can experience it first hand.

Action Items

  1. Take the tips Gabe talked about, and assess your environment
  2. Connect with Worlds of Wow and have a conversation about your current environment, and/or the environment you would like to have

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Next Episode: Frank Bealer

In the next episode, I talk with Frank Bealer–the Executive Director of Leadership Development at Orange, and the CEO of their new Phase Family Centers. Frank and I talk about his new book, The Myth of Balance, and some of the tools and tips he has found helpful in overcoming this myth while navigating family life and ministry. He also talks about some new things Orange is doing for leadership development and resources they are producing to help leaders like us grow. Finally, he shares some exciting news about Orange's new project: the Phase Family Centers.  If you'd like to check out Frank's first interview on the podcast, where we talked about empowering volunteers, listen to Episode 2 right here.