In this episode, I have a conversation with a student, Micah Fletcher, and his Student Pastor, John Cahill. Micah talks about serving as a student, what his experience has been, what his responsibilities are, and why he does it.  John then shares what he and his team do to empower students to serve.

Micah Fletcher & John Cahill

Connect with Micah on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Connect with John on Facebook or email him at

Livingston First United Methodist Church

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Serving as a Student: John's Process

  1. Challenge them to be actively involved in a small group and in student ministry
  2. Check in with them weekly to see how their lives are going
  3. Communicate to them that they are a huge value to your team
  4. Affirm and encourage them
  5. Empower them to be who God created them to be by helping them find where they can serve most effectively

Action Items

  1. Create a development plan for your student volunteers
  2. Gather five to ten students who are currently volunteering, and then listen and learn from them
  3. Invite 1-2 new students to serve this week

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Next Episode: Sherry Surratt

In the next episode, I talk with Sherry Surratt, the Executive Director of Family Strategy at Orange. Sherry and I talk about a year long strategy for partnering with parents. She shares what a 12-month plan looks like practically, and previews some of the new things Orange is working on to help church leaders partner with parents even more effectively.