Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach
In this episode, I talk with Children's Pastor Andrae Jones. Andrae works at a church that has a very low ratio of staff to volunteers and kids. We dive into his church and ministry, exploring their structure, how they value leadership development, and what they do to continue to grow their volunteer teams and reach more kids.
Andrae Jones
Connect with Andrae on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Links Mentioned in This Episode
Orange – Books, blogs, and other resources for leadership development
GoWeekly – Check out Orange's resources for connecting with and investing in volunteers
Designed to Lead – Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck argue that the church wins when it values and creates a culture of leadership development
Leading Not Normal Volunteers – Sue Miller and Adam Duckworth share the secret sauce to leading your team and showing them the difference they can make
New Kind of Leader – Reggie Joiner talks about how to lead from the belief that the greatest impact happens when the church and family partner together
Leadership Development Ideas (Plus a FREE small group resource based on Craig Groeschel's Chazown) – Ideas for church leaders as they develop volunteers. Check out a step-by-step small group guide, with content from Craig Groeschel's Chazown.
Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry Staffing Ratios – Over 700 churches took this survey to help tease out the question: Are you overstaffed, understaffed, or just right?
Leadership Development at One Community
- 1-year leadership development college–Participants attend for 2 semesters, meet twice a month, read 7 books, write papers, serve weekly, and learn from other churches
- 2-week coaching session for kidmin volunteers
- 5-week leadership course for kidmin volunteers
Action Items
- Start somewhere–Train one person or invite multiple people to a leadership training group
- Don't say “no” for someone. Always make the ask, call out their gifts, and invite them into something bigger
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Next Episode: Kathie Phillips
In the next episode I talk with my friend, Children's Pastor, Kathie Phillips. Kathie has led breakouts and taught at the Children's Pastors Conference and the Group Kidmin Conference, and has a lot of great insight to share from her years in ministry. She shares some of her story and talks specifically about what she is learning as a leader right now.