Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach


Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach         Nick Blevins: Church Leader, Speaker and Coach        
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    In this episode, I talk with Adam Duckworth about volunteers. Adam has co-authored two books with Sue Miller, Not Normal: Seven Quirks of Incredible Volunteers and Leading Not Normal Volunteers. He shares key principles and practices from these, and what it takes to build a culture for not normal volunteers. Adam then dives into what he's learning from coaching and networking with other ministry leaders, and how what he's learning can help you as you lead.

    Adam Duckworth

    Connect with Adam on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

    Downtown Harbor Church

    Links Mentioned in This Episode


    Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, Episode 092: Start-Up Church…Lessons from the Trenches of Church Planting With Adam Duckworth and John Garippa

    Carey Niewhof Leadership Podcast, Episode 160: Dr. Henry Cloud on What All High Performing Leaders Have in Common, Investing in Yourself and Overcoming Dysfunction in Your Church

    Not Normal: Seven Quirks of Incredible VolunteersHelping volunteers lead in a not normal way that will help them grow in their faith and reach more people for Jesus

    Leading Not Normal VolunteersA resource with five practical steps for leaders to help them lead their volunteers to implement the seven quirks

    Leading Volunteers Coaching – Apply to be a part of Adam and Sue's next coaching group (Starts Wednesday,  January 17). Check out the schedule of topics below:

    1. Recruitment
    2. Vision casting
    3. Coaching structure
    4. Maintaining volunteers
    5. Making volunteering fun
    6. Wrong fits & what to do
    7. Organization & structure
    8. Owners & renters
    9. Training for volunteers
    10. Volunteer stories

    Barriers to Volunteering

    1. One-service model
    2. Lack of vision–leading out of desperation
    3. Not asking for what you really need
    4. Fear of addressing wrong fits

    NextGen Staff Solutions – Work with Jim Wideman to start asking key questions about whether or not you should stay or go, and to help you determine the role and church that would be the best fit for you

    Developing Leaders and Building a Coaching Structure (Blog Posts)

    How to Structure for Growth in Ministry

    How a Volunteer Leadership Pipeline Can Grow Your Team & Church

    Our Plan for Developing Leaders of Leaders in Ministry

    The 6 Things We Value in Our Family Ministry Coaches

    Developing Leaders and Building a Coaching Structure (Podcast Episodes)

    NBFMP002: Frank Bealer on Volunteers Who Lead Like Staff

    NBFMP023: Carey Nieuwhof on Conversations That Will Help Grow Your Church

    NBFMP027: Tom Shefchunas on Volunteer Coaches and Metrics in Ministry

    NBFMP032: Jeff Cochran on Leadership Development

    NBFMP041: Leadership Development at Life.Church With Allyson Evans

    NBFMP043: Empowering Leaders and Giving Up Control With Lenny Moore

    NBFMP053: Q & A With Your Questions From the Year

    Action Items

    1. Check out Not Normal: Seven Quirks of Incredible Volunteers and Leading Not Normal Volunteers
    2. Consider joining Sue and Adam's Leading Volunteers Coaching group in January
    3. Decide if you are in the right spot. Ask yourself: Is this where God is going to use me best?
    4. Lead with vision. Is there something you can do this week to lead with vision, instead of desperation?
    5. Begin developing a coaching structure. Check out the resources above to help you as you start thinking through that.

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